Watch Neon Developer Days #3 🚀

Cookie Policy

Last updated: 10 October 2023

This Cookie Policy aims to shed light on the types of cookies we use, their purpose, and most importantly, how they impact your experience on our site. We believe in transparency and want to ensure that you are fully informed.
This Cookie Policy is an integral part of our Terms of Service or Master Service Agreement (whichever shall be applicable) and our Privacy Policy. Any capitalized terms used (and not otherwise defined below) have their meanings assigned to them in the Terms of Service. Any reference to “Users” in this document means a reference to our Customers, Authorized Users, or visitors of the Website.

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small data fragment dispatched from a website and retained on the user’s computer or mobile device by their web browser. Cookies serve various purposes, from enabling specific website functionalities to remembering user preferences.

Use of Strictly Necessary Cookies Only

We use strictly necessary cookies exclusively. These cookies are fundamental to ensuring that our website functions correctly and delivers the intended user experience. They do not collect or store any personal identifiable information.

Managing Your Cookie Preferences

Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default. However, you can typically modify your browser settings to decline cookies or to notify you when a website tries to set a cookie on your device. Remember that rejecting strictly necessary cookies might affect your experience on our Website and certain functionalities might not work as intended.

Third-party Services

Though our focus is on using only strictly necessary cookies, be aware that third-party services or plugins integrated into our website might have distinct cookie policies. We suggest reviewing their privacy policies and cookie data for a complete understanding of their procedures.
Updates to Our Cookie Policy

We may periodically revise our cookie policy. Any changes will be displayed on this page, ensuring our users always have access to the latest information on our cookie usage and data collection practices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or require further clarification about this Cookie Policy, please reach out to us at